Where oh where did December 08 go?? Nobody knows because we have no pictures to remember any occasions! Our camera was either left, died, or missing for every holiday. I think some people may have pictures of Christmas and New Years but I'm not sure. We had a fantastic Christmas!! We made tons of cookies and delivered 12 cookie plates! We went over to Paul's parents in Medford for the holidays and had to buy new snow tires to do it!!!!! We ate to much and made the present opening last until 3 or 4! Then New Years we were going to go out cross country skiing but at the last minute Paul checked on the trail web site and there was a mountain lion warning out and so we scratched that idea!! We ended up at McMinnimans down town for about an hour or so with Christy and friends!! It was a blast and ate our grapes!!! (christy's family tradition one for each month of the year, your grapes are your responsibility, and eat them FAST!)
Now we are almost half way through January!