Thursday, December 3, 2009

Its Been a While

So I already typed all of this once but apparently it was for Paul's class because I accidently logged into the wrong account and typed the whole thing and then apparently you can't cut and past out of this shananagans.

So here it goes...

It's been a while but such is new home ownership. Along wiht being crazy busy with work (which I can't complain about in this economy) has hindered me from pasting lately and thanks to my wonderful and beautiful cousin Jessica Jenness she has re-inspired me to keep this blog thing and that people really do read it and I'm a slacker for not updating it :) And the fact it's a pain in the booty some times..

So I need to catch up from this summer ...
HOUSE: wow we have come a long way since the last pictures We're moved in and I think officially have unpacked the last boxes.. Paul is not one for having unknown boxes around in spare spaces so everything was opened and unpacked. We have yet to paint as we are doing what we think is the right thing and saving up for projects and doing a bit at a time instead of racking up the credit card debt (I'm kinda crazy about money)... So some window treatments are up and the "office" looks really nice. We got a great deal on a desk from craigs list. One of my other favorite purchases is this great ladder that I found on the side of the road that I bought and now hang all my beautiful throws quilts and affgans on! I would love another for our bedroom or the guest room some day :). We also did a ton of work in the back yard this summer for prep for gardens for me next summer! We did cute white picket fencing around the edge of the gardens naively thinking it would keep the dogs out... nope!!! Paul did a great job making the grass really green too! Paul's dad came down for his 32nd Birthday and helped build a shelving and a work bench in the garage! Thanks Rick! Everything is a work in progress and so I hear once the lists start they never really end... case in point our kitchen sink faucet blew up on Paul the other day!! We currently have no usable kitchen sink :( ugh!

More to come later... have to go to work now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to the blogging world! Keep it up and I'll read it all the time. Love the house! Hopefully someday we'll get to come see it. :)
PS. Craigslist is the best!